World: „Better human rights in Tunisia and then there is money for it.“

In an interview with Die Welt, I spoke about the so-called pact with Tunisia. This is about the terrible conditions in Tunisia, which simply abandons refugees in the desert. Cooperation with Tunisia only makes sense if Tunisia also adheres to human rights and we make migration agreements that include safe escape routes and work visas. Instead of working on such solutions, conferences are held to simulate that there are other easy answers. You can watch the entire five-minute interview here.

taz interview: I want a better asylum policy

I had an honest conversation with the taz about the approval of the German government of the Council position on the CEAS – which I reject – and with which the Greens have lost a lot of credibility. But also about the fact that we have to fight for merhehiten for a humane asylum policy and can not do it with a divided party. You can read the whole conversation read here.