My team



Sara Ständer is the technical officer for the Development Committee (DEVE) and also looks after the delegations for cooperation with the Mashreq, Afghanistan and the Union for the Mediterranean. She originally came to Brussels for her Master's degree in European Studies. In addition to her studies and work, she was and still is active as a volunteer in various initiatives for refugees and is interested in issues of urban planning and mobility. She is happy to answer questions in German, English, French or Spanish.
Send Sara a mail



Fanni Bihari is the specialist for flight and asylum in Erik's team. She accompanies the EU Parliament's Home Affairs Committee (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs). In her home country Budapest, she worked as a volunteer in initial reception at train stations in the summer of 2015. Later, she worked on asylum cases and integration issues while studying in Berlin, and most recently did advocacy work on these issues in Brussels.

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Lisa Weiß takes care of the office organization in Brussels as well as citizens' inquiries and appointment coordination. Her studies focused on international relations and security policy. Originally from Austria, she spent some time in the Netherlands before moving to Belgium. In addition to German, English, some Italian and Dutch, Lisa is now also trying to improve her French.

Email Lisa.

Andreas Bergholz


Andreas Bergholz is Erik's local assistant in Berlin. He is responsible for constituency work in Treptow-Köpenick and supports Erik in his digital communications work from Berlin.

Before Andreas started working for Erik, he studied economics, worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the fact check blog „“ against right-wing extremism and was a speaker in the Bundestag.

Send Andreas an e-mail