Why crime statistics are not suitable for political discussions

The crime statistics for 2023 are currently being misused for populist propaganda against migrants and refugees. According to the PKS, the number of foreign suspects has risen. The CDU and CSU are therefore once again calling for immigration to be limited. Around 5.94 million crimes were registered in Germany last year. This corresponds to an increase of 5.5 percent in …

Briefing: Reform of the Schengen Borders Code

What is it about? The Schengen Borders Code regulates entry conditions and border controls at the EU's external and internal borders. It deals, for example, with the question of the conditions under which internal border controls are possible. The Borders Code is an important instrument for ensuring freedom of movement in Europe; however, member states often do not adhere to the code. For example, …

Frankfurter Rundschau: Symbolism is not enough, we need real improvements

In an interview with Ippen.Media / Frankfurter Rundschau, I warned against losing sight of the people affected by the GEAS reform. Striking phrases, symbolic politics and the appropriation of right-wing populist demands and prejudices will not lead to the weakening of right-wing parties. You can read the article here.

rbb Info: Why the EU asylum reform creates additional problems

On rbb Inforadio, I described how the EU asylum reform will not bring about any improvements and will create more additional problems. The last few years of asylum and migration policy have been characterized by symbolic politics and too few active solutions, and this reform will continue this in part. You can find the whole interview here.

Deutschlandfunk interview on the European asylum reform

Before the final vote on the reform of the Common European Asylum System, I explained to Deutschlandfunk radio why the European Greens will vote against most parts of the reform. The reform will not improve the organization of migration, but in practice will create more bureaucracy and more suffering for those affected and will not tackle the causes of flight. Why new approaches …

NDR Info: Warehouses are not a solution

In an interview with NDR, I criticized the fact that mass camps at the external borders do not solve any problems and why we cannot wipe away the complex challenges with simple answers. Above all, the reform will create a bureaucratic monster and hardly improve the situation in the municipalities or the chaos at the external borders. Here you can …

Syria: The current humanitarian situation and possible EU action

Syria has been at war for 13 years. In 2011, the Syrian revolution was violently crushed by dictator Bashar al-Assad as part of the Arab Spring. Iran and Russia support the Assad regime, which is internationally ostracized for brutal human rights violations. Half a million people have already been killed, 13 million people have been displaced – more than the …

European Parliament strengthens protection of the press

In one of the last sessions of the European Parliament before the European elections, we adopted the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). We Greens have long campaigned for a robust European law that guarantees the independence of public media and national regulators and ensures a fair distribution of state resources. The law …