We can't leave anyone behind!

We now need a substantial evacuation of the camps on the Greek islands so that the refugees can protect themselves from the Corona virus. When I arrived on Lesvos at the end of February, I did not think that the situation could get much worse. I wanted to spend the week off from the session here to see how the situation was developing on Moria …

Expert opinion proves: Federal states may take in refugees on their own!

I have commissioned an expert opinion which has been published under the title: „Reception of refugees from the camps on the Greek islands by the German federal states - legal requirements and limits“. It sets out that the Federal Government may not refuse to accept some refugee children by the German Länder. The government thus rejects existing offers unlawfully …

Question: Refoulement at the Greek-Turkish land border

In order to be able to exercise my parliamentary control function as an MEP, I have the possibility to put questions to the EU Commission. The Commission must answer these questions. On 23 March 2020, I received answers from the Commission to the following questions: Question for written answer E-004588/2019 to the Commission Subject: Rejections at the Greek-Turkish land border On 12 December 2019, the news magazine published …

My current assessment of the situation in Greece

Instead of talking about racist marauding gangs at the external borders, the Greek coast guard is refusing rescues, attacking rubber dinghies and putting people's lives in danger. Those who share the military rhetoric of "European shield" or an "attack on the EU" or support the Greek demand for "maximum deterrence" are giving the right-wing mob and racist violence a pass. …

Tagesspiegel: "Dead bodies are accepted here"

In the Tagesspiegel I report how the rule of law is failing on Lesbos and human rights are being broken. We urgently need humanitarian aid at the border. You can read the article here.

taz interview: "I am ashamed of Europe"

In an interview with the taz, I talk about the devastating situation of refugees in Greece and what needs to happen now to overcome the crisis. You can read the interview here.