Guest contribution: Tear down Moria!

The Berliner Zeitung asked me to write a guest article on the occasion of 30 years of German unity:The courage of 1989 should be more important than the fear of 2015. Let's not look the other way when the EU bears witness at the external borders. I am writing these lines on Lesbos, one of the most beautiful places in Europe, which these days is experiencing one of its most terrible …

Migration pact – Why the EU Commission's proposal does not prevent another Moria

The EU Commission's proposal for the migration pact won't prevent another Moria. On the contrary, it would cast the model of the Greek mass camps in legal form. Border procedures and closed camps at the external borders would become the norm in Europe. The failure of the Dublin system would be perpetuated and escalated, further without a mandatory solidarity-based reception of refugees. Also …

Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Interview on EU asylum reform

The European Commission has presented new proposals for reforming the asylum system. In an interview with DLF Kultur, I explained why the concept does not solve the problem. You can listen to the interview here.

Fire in Moria – call for emergency evacuation and relocation

169 MEPs signed the call for urgent action on Moria. This is the letter: To:Vice-President Margaritis SchinasCommissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva JohanssonFederal Minister for the Interior, Horst Seehofer Brussels, 11 September 2020 Dear Vice-President Schinas,Dear Commissioner Johansson,Dear Minister Seehofer, The fire in the EU's biggest refugee camp Moria is a humanitarian disaster and a disaster …

Ongoing human rights violations on the Balkan route

Even if it is less reported now, there are still people trying to flee to the EU via the Western Balkan route. Their situation is worsening, their fundamental rights are being trampled on. I have summarized here current developments in the region. Bosnia-Herzegovina Most refugees in Bosnia-Herzegovina don't want to stay in the country, but …

Unmarried couples must be allowed to see each other even in times of pandemic!

Due to travel restrictions, many couples have been unable to meet since the pandemic began. What a torment at this difficult time. I have asked Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, along with many other Members from the European Parliament, to finally find a solution. There are already solutions in Denmark, and other EU countries could apply the same rules. Especially as the people affected incur costs …