taz interview: "I am ashamed of Europe"

In an interview with the taz, I talk about the devastating situation of refugees in Greece and what needs to happen now to overcome the crisis. You can read the interview here.

Question: Use of EU aid to Greece and Italy in the field of asylum

In order to be able to exercise my parliamentary control function as an MEP, I have the possibility to put questions to the EU Commission. The Commission must answer these questions. On 4 March 2020, I received answers from the Commission to the following questions: Written answer question E-004414/2019 to the Commission Subject: Questions on the use of EU aid to Greece and Italy in the field of asylum …

Request: Attack on rescue ship Alan Kurdi by Libyan militias

In order to be able to exercise my parliamentary control function as an MEP, I have the possibility to put questions to the EU Commission. On 28 February 2020, I received answers from the Commission to the following questions: Written answer question E-003535/2019 to the Commission Subject: Attack on rescue ship Alan Kurdi by Libyan militias Men fired warning shots …

Pushbacks in Spain: ECtHR gives a judgement that is far removed from reality

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has ruled that the deportation of two refugees without asylum proceedings was lawful. Hardly anyone had expected this ruling, as the Small Chamber of the ECtHR had ruled completely differently in 2017. The Grand Chamber of the ECtHR claims in the reasons for the judgment that there are legal alternatives to violent, illegal border crossing, which exist in …

Study proves: Migration to Europe independent of sea rescue

In its study "Sea Rescue NGOs: a Pull Factor of Irregular Migration?", the "Migration Policy Center" comes to the conclusion that people do not climb onto rubber dinghies in the Mediterranean because rescue ships are on the way there. This confirms the findings of previous studies, such as Death by Rescue. And Border Deaths in the Mediterranean. The study now available has …

Inhumane conditions at Croatia's external EU border

At the beginning of August, I visited the Bosnian town of Bihać on the EU's external border and saw conditions there that are absolutely inhumane. The place has become a bottleneck for those seeking protection, because they cannot get anywhere from here. In Bihać, you see homeless protection seekers everywhere on the streets because there is not enough space in the shelters.