Frontex provides information for deadly interceptions to Libyan coast guard

Press release on new revelations about breaches of the law by the European border protection agency. Frontex sends information on sea rescue cases in the Mediterranean via WhatsApp groups and emails directly to the Libyan Coast Guard. Until now, Frontex also claimed to the European Parliament that they only inform sea rescue control centres about sea rescue cases. This was their justification for not giving coordinates to surrounding ships to ensure the fastest possible rescue …

Query: New evidence of push-backs at the Croatian border

There is ever more evidence of the illegal and violent rejection of asylum seekers at the Croatian-Bosnian border. Together with other MEPs, I have asked the EU Commission when it will finally react. Subject: New evidence of push-back measures at the Croatian border - will the Commission finally react? On 18 November 2020, the German weekly Der …

Inquiry about the "temporary" camp Mavrovouni on Lesbos

Refugees are no longer allowed to simply leave the new Moria on Lesbos. I have asked the Commission questions about these conditions. The Commissioner writes in her answer to my parliamentary question asking about push-backs at the Greek-Turkish maritime border and the role of the EU border and coast guard Frontex: „An effective and well-functioning agency for the …

Refugees in Greece receive money from the EU through this programme

In order to support the protection seekers on the Greek islands, the UNHCR has set up a Cash Assistance Programme. Under this programme, a fixed monthly amount is transferred to an account for the protection seekers, which they can then dispose of freely. In principle, the Cash Assistance Programme is intended to offer protection seekers the opportunity to arrange basic care according to their individual needs. It should …

Question on the involvement of Frontex in illegal pushbacks

Together with other MEPs, I put the following questions to the EU Commission, to which it replied on 14 April 2021: Subject: Alleged involvement of Frontex in illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers On 23 October 2020, Der Spiegel published its investigation entitled 'Frontex implicated in illegal pushbacks of refugees'. At the LIBE Committee meeting of 6 July 2020 …

Study shows: EU Commission may finance sea rescue operations

I have commissioned a study (German / English), which examines which legal obligations and competences the European Union has in sea rescue. This also applies to military operations of the EU. In March 2020, the EU decided to launch the naval mission Irini, to prevent arms smuggling to Libya using satellite information, at sea and from the air …

New EU agreement facilitates deportations to Afghanistan

Afghanistan is considered the most dangerous country in the world, ahead of Syria. Despite this, deportations to Afghanistan are taking place, and despite this the EU has once again adopted an agreement that is intended to further facilitate deportations to Afghanistan. This document, drawn up between the Commission and the Council, was signed at the beginning of February without the EU Parliament being given a say. New Afghanistan agreement The new repatriation agreement …

The Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument is launched

I am shadow rapporteur for the future Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument. NDICI stands for Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument. With a total volume of almost EUR 80 billion, linked to the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021 – 2027, the instrument will manage a large part of the EU's external funding. On Thursday, 18 …

These legal migration possibilities to the EU exist

There are too few legal migration opportunities to the EU. This is especially a problem for refugees, who often have to risk their lives to apply for asylum. Because the EU fails to create legal escape and migration routes, people die trying to reach Europe. The EU's externalisation policy is designed to make people already …