I was a guest on Süddeutsche Zeitung's "Auf den Punkt" and talked about sea rescue and the EU asylum reform. You can listen to the podcast’here.
Podcast: Flight and Prejudice
In the podcast "Flight and Prejudice", I talk to Düzen Tekkal and Khesrau Behroz about sea rescue, Giorgia Meloni, Elon Musk and European asylum policy. Listen to the podcast.
SWR Tagesgespräch: „Unsolidary behavior must not be financially rewarding“
Der europäische Asylkompromiss wird das Leid an den EU-Außengrenzen nicht lindern, weil er weder die Fluchtursachen bekämpfen, noch zu mehr Solidarität unter den Mitgliedstaaten führen wird. Zu meinem SWR-Tagesgespräch.
Europatalk on EU migration policy
In Europatalk, I discussed European refugee policy with Lena Düpont (CDU). I explained why the right-wing Italian government has no constitutional answers to offer and why it must stop obstructing sea rescues. Watch the program.
Die Zeit: Debate with Christian Dürr on European asylum policy
I discussed the current migration situation with Christin Dürr (FDP) in Die Zeit and explained why tough deterrence measures do not automatically lead to fewer people coming. Click here for the interview.
World TV duel of the day: The individual right to asylum must not be abolished
Warum das individuelle Recht auf Asyl nicht einfach abgeschafft werden kann und diese Forderung reiner Populismus ist, habe ich im TV-Duell mit Philipp Amthor klargestellt. Zur Sendung geht’s hier.
Phoenix Runde: Upper limit for refugees, is that the solution?
In the Phoenix Roundtable, I discussed the current situation of asylum and migration policy with Alexandra Throm (CDU), Tonia Mastrobuoni (La Repubblica) and Michael Bröcker (The Pioneer). You can watch the program’here.
Deutschlandfunk: Italy has taken in fewer people than it should have.
On Deutschlandfunk radio, I made it clear that a migration agreement with Tunisia will not work and that Italy should actually have taken in many more refugees. To the interview.
A Europe for all?
European policy talks in a cozy atmosphere The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, already this year more than 2000 deaths in the Mediterranean, high inflation that makes life unaffordable for many, the massive consequences of the climate crisis, a shift to the right in Europe: the list of challenges facing the European Union is long and we must be careful that the …
Frontex shows no interest in Crotone reconnaissance
Joint research by Lighthouse Reports, El País, Sky News, Le Monde, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Domani reveals that the Italian government lied about its role in the Crotone boat accident that killed 94 people, including 35 children, and that Frontex helped cover up the incident. I have spoken to 25 deputies …