Global inequality growing extremely fast

Since 2020, the richest one percent of the world's population has made more wealth than the remaining 99 percent combined. At the same time, every tenth person in the world is starving. You can find Oxfam's study on this here.

Migration Day 2022

On December 18, 1990, the UN Migrant Workers Convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly. It is the primary international standard against which governments should measure their national legal protections. Unfortunately, Germany has not yet ratified the Convention.

BIPoC from Ukraine welcome?

On December 10, 2022, I co-hosted a conference with PxP Embassy e. V. on the situation of third-country nationals in Germany and the German states. You can find the livestream here. We discussed together with representatives of civil society, politics and affected BIPoC people from Ukraine about the current situation and possible solutions …

BIPoC from Ukraine – Welcome? – Conference: December 2022

Together with PxP Embassy e.V. I will organize a conference on December 10, 2022 in Berlin to talk about the situation of the so-called third-country nationals from Ukraine in Germany. We want to discuss the current situation together with representatives of civil society, politics and affected BIPoC people from Ukraine. You can find the program here. …

Roundtable discussion on the Global Gateway Initiative

Together with the Eurodad organization, I hosted an event on the European Commission’s new Global Gateway Initiative. The initiative aims to bring together development goals and geopolitical interests to close the current financial gap for the implementation of development goals by mobilizing over 300 billion euros by the end of 2027. In order to create an exchange between the Commission, Eurodad …

European Financial Architecture for Development – an overview

In 2018, the EU Council commissioned a group of experts to make an analysis of European development cooperation and its actors and to make suggestions for improvement. The report of the expert group was available in October 2019 and proposed as its main point the establishment of the new European Climate and Sustainable Development Bank (ECSDB). This should bundle and centrally coordinate European development cooperation, …

Civil society talks in WrocÅaw: Resilience and Resistance

Our conference against criminalization of solidarity and for support of civil society On October 22nd and 23rd, our group, my office in Brussels and the Polish Greens organized a conference to bring together people from all over Europe who are affected by criminalization. Criminalization means helpers are put on trial for helping other people on the run …

Refugees are deprived of their rights at Latvia's external EU border

On August 10, 2021, Latvia declared a state of emergency in four border regions with Belarus due to increasing numbers of refugees. This decree has the effect of sending the military to the border, suspending the right to asylum in these areas, and consequently forcibly pushing most refugees back to Belarus. In addition, press and NGOs are denied access to those …

500 € for reception of refugees

Because many municipalities are currently working at their capacity limits, I suggested in Der Spiegel that private individuals should receive €500 for accommodating refugees from Ukraine. SPIEGEL: Mr. Marquardt, hundreds of thousands of people have again fled to Germany, primarily because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. How well is the accommodation working? Marquardt: It is working, but …

Request: Cases of "drift-backs" in the Aegean Sea

I have put a question to the Commission about the documented „drift-backs“ in the Aegean Sea. To my question whether the Commission finally admits these human rights violations at the Greek border I receive once again no answer. The Commission remains vague in its statements and only points out that it has asked the Greek authorities all …