Planned migration deal with Lebanon is "unworthy money suitcase policy"

I criticized the European Commission's planned migration agreement with Lebanon on DW. With such deals, the EU is making itself vulnerable to blackmail from unreliable partners.

Furthermore, the situation for refugees in Lebanon is extremely difficult. We should ensure that refugees there are better integrated and also facilitate resettlement to Europe. Human dignity must be at the heart of our cooperation.

Click here for the DW article.

No hunger by 2030?

On June 2, 2023, we met in Berlin to discuss the state of food security worldwide and the role of the EU in it. For three years, the number of people suffering from hunger and malnutrition worldwide has been rising dramatically again. Currently, 828 million people are affected, 10% of the world's population. Although enough food is available worldwide, numerous factors mean that the right to food cannot currently be granted in many countries. 

Together with my colleague Martin Häusling (agricultural policy spokesman for the Greens/EFA), we wanted to put the topic back on the agenda and invited to an exciting exchange. Also on the panel were Sigrid Müller, Deputy Director of the World Food Program Global Office in Germany, and Tobias Reichert, Advisor for Agricultural Policy and World Trade at Germanwatch.

The two inputs of our guests, as well as the entire discussion, can be viewed at here Watch.

We would also like to thank all guests who were on site for the exciting exchange.