ZDF: Warum ein Migrationsabkommen mit Ruanda keine Option ist

Frontal hat gemeinsam mit dem journalistischen Netzwerk “forbidden stories” und weiteren Partnern aufgedeckt, wie die ruandische Regierung unter Präsident Kagame Regimekritiker im In- und Ausland unter Druck setzt oder sogar verschwinden lässt. Trotzdem scheint die Diktatur für einige deutsche Politiker:innen wie Jens Spahn der richtige Partner für ein Migrationsabkommen zu sein. Ganz nach britischem Vorbild: Asylsuchende einfach für viel Geld nach Ruanda schicken. Aber das ist keine Lösung.

Planned migration deal with Lebanon is "unworthy money suitcase policy"

I criticized the European Commission's planned migration agreement with Lebanon on DW. With such deals, the EU is making itself vulnerable to blackmail from unreliable partners.

Furthermore, the situation for refugees in Lebanon is extremely difficult. We should ensure that refugees there are better integrated and also facilitate resettlement to Europe. Human dignity must be at the heart of our cooperation.

Click here for the DW article.

Deutschlandfunk interview on the European asylum reform

Before the final vote on the reform of the Common European Asylum System, I explained to Deutschlandfunk radio why the European Greens will vote against most parts of the reform. The reform will not improve the organization of migration, but in practice will create more bureaucracy and more suffering for those affected and will not tackle the causes of flight. Why we need new approaches and a change of course, you can listen here.

NDR Info: Warehouses are not a solution

In an interview with NDR, I criticized the fact that mass camps at the external borders do not solve any problems and why we cannot wipe away the complex challenges with simple answers. Above all, the reform will create a bureaucratic monster and hardly improve the situation in the municipalities or the chaos at the external borders. Here you can listen to the interview.