Study shows widespread racism in the EU

The recent report "Being Black in the EU" concludes that racism, discrimination and hate crime remain a major problem, despite the existence of binding anti-discrimination laws since 2000. Key findings include that almost half of respondents have experienced racial discrimination – an increase from 39 % in 2016 …

Deutschlandfunk interview: Cooperation with right-wing extremists has no place in a democracy

Following the Correctiv revelation that AfD politicians are already planning mass deportations together with other right-wing extremists, I spoke to Deutschlandfunk radio about the rise of right-wing extremism in Germany. It was also about the populism of conservative parties and the fact that we need to find our way back to a democratic culture of debate. Click here’for the interview.

GEAS: Not a good day for European asylum law

The Council and Parliament have agreed on a reform towards a common European asylum system. Here you will find a brief overview of the key results of the negotiations on the CEAS package. The Council has prevailed over the Parliament on almost all relevant points. This reform thus missed the opportunity to bring EU asylum policy into line with the …

Facts against prejudices

I receive many inquiries about flight and migration. Some are based on genuine interest and I am very happy to answer them. Unfortunately, however, there is also a loud minority that repeatedly tries to impose its racist, right-wing populist or prejudiced world view on others and to disinform them. In recent years, this disinformation has been very successful, …

My 8 goals in development cooperation

As Vice-Chair of the Development Committee in the European Parliament, my work focuses on European development cooperation and humanitarian aid, which, unlike in the Bundestag, is also subordinate to the Development Committee. In this regard, I am committed to an EU that combats global inequalities, acts on an equal footing with its partners, promotes democracy and the rule of law and, above …

I am looking for reinforcement for my team!

To support my parliamentary work in the European Parliament, I am looking for a Local Assistant (m/f/d) for Social Media and Public Relations for my Berlin office as soon as possible. Duties Required skills Job description Application procedure Send your documents â a maximum of one page letter of motivation and a maximum of two pages CV (both in a single PDF document) – to Salary requirements are welcome;